ROES Server - Backup

ROES  Server Backup


  1.  All of the preferences, Printer Definitions, Queues, Workflows and logs for the ROES  Server are in a folder on the main drive of the computer running the ROES  Server. (You can exclude the 'Logs' and the 'NativeLibs' folders from the backup to reduce the size)
  2. It is usually named .ROESServer but there can be variations on the naming  ( It could be; .ROESSAServer, .ROESSAS, .ROESSA etc...).
  3. It is important that you regularly backup this folder.....After the initial install, once a month or whenever a change is made to the Server.  These are all good times to do a backup.
  4. If your  Server should fail to launch, the information in this folder can be invaluable in getting it back up and running in a timely manner.  This backup may also be used to migrate the ROES Server to another computer.
  5. Below is an easy method to copy the folder and then move it to a safe location off of the ROES Server computer.





  1. Use Windows Explorer and browse to the .ROESServer folder.
  2. Windows7, 8, 10 and Vista path is:  C:\Users\<CurrentUserName>.
  3. Windows XP path is:  C:\Documents and Settings\<CurrentUserName>

4. Right Click on the .ROESServer folder and select 'Send to' and then 'Compressed Folder'.

5. Rename the created to include the date of the creation (  This will help you identify the files when deleting old ones or selecting ones that were before certain changes, software updates etc..

6. Move the zip file to a computer that is safe and someplace off of the computer running ROES  Server.  Some people create a gmail account and email the zip file to themselves, letting gmail keep it for them.



1. Browse to the folder using: Finder > Go > GoTo Folder > . Type in: ~./.ROESServer > Go

2. When the folder opens, select all of the folders and files and copy them.

3. Create a new folder on your desktop and name it ROESServerBackup and include today's date (ROESServerBackup20180609)

4. Paste all of the files and folders into the folder you just created.

5. Move the new folder off of this computer to someplace safe.



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