ROES Server - Failed to rename order

ROES Server Error Like:  "Failed to rename order_83738138_16180eab287_6828 to 011435"


When an order has completed transferring from the photographer to the lab, the ROES Server creates a folder named like the .ro file in the Working Files directory and moves the .ro file there for unpacking the contents of the .ro file.  Sometime after that new folder is created, either the anti-virus or the Windows Indexing service notices its creation and may lock the newly created folder to investigate it for viruses or add it and the files it contains to a hard drive directory.  The locking of the folder can prevent us from accessing the order folder/files during the time we attempt to rename the folder with the next Lab Order ID and may give you an error of this type.


**There is a description of the order processing sequence of events on ROESServerProcessingSequence.pdf**



Possible Solution(s)



-If you have an anti-virus application running, turn it off and try processing the .ro file again




One cause might be ‘Indexing’ turned on for Windows.  This service is used to speed up any searches done on the hard drive and keeps track of any folder or file when added to the drive.  This can be found in the Control Panel under ‘Indexing Options’.  You can select the folders you want to exclude.  A good practice is to exclude the root folder, that contains all of the ROES Server folders, which should then turn indexing off:





Exclude Folders











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