ROES Server - Fails to Relaunch



When the server fails a relaunch, it could be because we can't digest something in a corrupted file or there is something in the database that we don't like. Try the database first; it is the easiest.


Database is the issue  

1.  Clear the  CoordinatorEnsembleListeners and Queues tables in the Database and attempt a relaunch.  If you can't launch the ROES Server to use the tools under the 'Data' tab or use those tools in a secondary ROES Server, use a database manager to clear the tables.  If you can't relaunch the ROES Server after clearing those tables, a corrupted file is likely the issue.


Files are the issue

A clue is finding a file in the Printers, Queues or Workflows folders that has a size of zero k (0k) or is full of 'null' values when opened with a text editor application.  The file might be in the .ROESServer folder, subfolder or in the Working Files folder.  You can use the files from your recent Backup to help you troubleshoot by substituting or restoring the files.  **You can launch the ROES Server by moving all files from the .ROESServer folder to a subfolder and then relaunching**




1. Rename the Working Folder:  An easy first step is to rename the Working Files directory by adding a single character to the folder name.  The Server won't be able to find the folder then and won't try to digest any of the Order files contained in it.

  • Try to relaunch.  If the ROES  Server launches after doing that, there is a file in the Working Files directory that it doesn't like.  
  • Usually it is the last order that was processed or it attempted to process that is causing the problems.  
  • Go into the Working Files directory and sort by date modified.
  • Look for .ro files in the directory and a folder named the same as the .ro file.
  • The presence of a .ro file and it's corresponding folder in the Working Files directory means an order didn't complete it's processing.
  • If there aren't any .ro files, take the two newest folders and move them out of the Working Files folder and try to relaunch the server.
  • If the Server still won't launch, go to the next step.

2. Remove or replace the SARPreferences.xml:  The next step is to see if one of the files in the .ROESServer folder is bad.

  • Remove the SARPreferences.xml file from the .ROESServer on your computer.
  • Try a relaunch.  If the relaunch is successful and a Server UI is asking you for your login (put in “admin” and “labkey”), you've found the bad file
  • Replace that file with the one you have in your backup and relaunch.   **If you don't have a backup of the .ROESServer folder, you will have to re-enter all of the settings.  Refer to ROES-U for a reference: **
  • Anything that might have been changed in your configuration since the backup was made will need to be manually updated.  This includes all information in most of the tabs.  The exception is the Printing tab.
  • If that didn't work, go to the next step.

3. Remove, rename or replace the Printers, Queues or Workflows folders:  The next step is to see if one of the xml files are bad in either the Printers, Queues or Workflows folder. 

  • Remove the Printers folder from the .ROESServer Folder on your computer or add a character to the filename.
  • Try a relaunch.
  • If that works, you have isolated the issue to one of the xml files in the Printers folder and can remove all of the xml files from that folder and put them back one by one, relaunching the ROES Server after each one, to see which one was bad.
  • OR.....if nothing has changed in the definitions of your printers since the last backup, you can just replace the Printers folder with the one from your backup and you will be done.  **If you don't have a backup of the .ROESServer folder, you will have to create the printer or agent again and enter all of it's settings.  Refer to ROES-U for examples of the printer or agent : **
  • Repeat with the Queues and Workflows folder.

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